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Chinese translation for "latent abilities"


Related Translations:
latent heat:  【物理学】潜热。
latent stage:  潜在阶段性欲潜伏期
latent paranoia:  潜隐型偏执狂
latent dream:  潜性梦
latent conductivity:  电导潜影
latent edema:  隐性水肿
latent deed:  【法律】秘密保存二十年以上的证件。
latent arenavirus:  潜伏沙粒样病毒潜伏沙粒样簿
latent neutron:  潜中子
latent ambiguity:  【法律】潜在含糊性〔指法律文件文字本身清楚,但由于外在证据而使其产生一种以上含义〕。
Example Sentences:
1.The manager did not find her latent abilities
2.The manager didn ' t find her latent abilities
3.Each type will invest his human capital of his latent ability under a certain best probability in equilibrium
4.To shape the manage thought about ability - orientation , recognized exploiter latent ability of human - resource will make the enterprise have stronger competitive strength
5.The organizational behavior management of enterprise can improve working efficiency by utilizing and developing the key resource of enterprise , latent ability of employee
企业的组织行为管理是通过利用与开发组织的关键资源? ?员工的潜能? ?来提高整个企业的组织绩效。
6.This public acknowledgement of brother lis efforts and contributions to society shows that practicing the quan yin method can help us develop our love and latent abilities to benefit all of humankind
7.As in the game , competition is another form of mutual help that can stimulate initiates latent ability and correct their bad habits . preconceived notions are obstacles in spiritual practice and not too easy to perceive
8.Thus , considering the real situation of chinese enterprise , this thesis analyses the organizational behavior of small and middle - sized enterprise in order to solve this problem on how to utilize and develop the latent ability of employee
9.Under the hypothesis of each type individual might choose every type of human capital investment and relevant occupation , we analyze the evolutionary stable model of the individuals " human capital investment from society lay . we analyze ten evolutionary stable states , which of the states is realized depends on the society system where the individual decide whether to invest human c apital to realize his latent ability by cost - income analysis
10.Brother lis achievements give testimony to masters words : its best that we make good use of our original wisdom , and then everything will come naturally . our latent abilities , love and pure nature will all manifest , and our innate talents will also emerge all of a sudden . thats why its said in the bible : seek you first the kingdom of god , and everything shall be added unto you
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